Alphabet & Numbers

 Alphabet and Number Games at Home

(Review of activities done at school)

Counting Chart 1-100:
-point and count all the numbers.
-Play a game where you randomly point to a number and have child tell you the number
-When learning 2 digit numbers:
-the number at the end, is the last number out of your mouth
(ie. 28 – 8 is at the end so it’s the last thing you should hear)
*this rule works for all numbers except the teens (11-19).

Alphabet Cards/Games:
-Use alphabet cards/magnets:
-have child say both the letter & the sound.
-Ask for examples of other words that begin with that letter. 
-Make simple words (sat, pot, etc.). 
-create rhyming words with the word families (at, ab, on, ot, in, it, ad, etc.). 
For example, you create and read “at”:
-then add an “s” (sat)
-then remove the “s” and add an “r” (rat)
-then remove the “r” and add an “h”,
-keep doing this until you have made all the word family combinations.
*It is more important to know the letter sound rather than the letter name