Communication & Homework

Reporting an Absence:
-phone the office staff at 519-542-4552 & leave a message. 
-Send Seesaw or Remind message to Mrs. Tessier
-If travelling – please send a note/message & specify the date(s). 
*The office is required to phone home when students are absent

Communication with the school:
-Please put notes in your child’s lunchbox in a Ziploc bag. 
-Twice a day, during eating times, we remind the students to look for notes & hand them to a staff member. 
-Parents can sent a SEESAW message


-Only Book in a Bag (2 books/week) with sight word practice pages
*only for students who know all letter names/sound
Ways to support and reinforce school learning:
-view math & language sections of this website to see units of study
-Listed online websites on this blog that are interactive or allow print outs. 

-OPTIONAL extra work – Dollarama has many alphabet and math booklets<p style="margin-bottom: –create a Name Puzzle: type or print first and last name & cut it apart making a puzzle.  *There are many language games you can play with this activity.

-students do a quick review of the letters in September & then:
ou, oi, ue, er, ar, ai, oa, ie, ee, or, ng, oo, ch, sh, th, qu,
*Plus word families (“at” – cat, rat, sat, mat, hat, bat, etc.) and the list of sight words on this website. 
-students should know all the sounds and should be focussing on sounding out words and looking at an entire word to figure out what it spells.

-Numeracy plan can be found on the math page of this blog. 
-If you use a website or self-purchased math booklet you will be able to match your child’s work at home with our school learning timeframe.